Hello! My name is Chris Lutz, and I've been alive for
years! Isn't that crazy? I think it's pretty crazy
for a guy who's jumped off a bridge to be that old. Anyway.
I was born and raised in Greenville, North Carolina, and if you think I'm
a pretty cool guy you should never go there, because I'm basically the only
one. That's not entirely true, I still have friends there. But seriously,
there's not a lot worth doing in Greenville. Anyway.
I graduated from the UNC School of the Arts School of Filmmaking (I think
that's what they're calling it these days) in 2012, and I am trying to make
some art and maybe even get paid for it. I'm not huge into money, personally.
I just need enough to buy things. I only like money insofar as I can turn it
into things that bring me enjoyment. Like pizza. Or chicken tikka masala. Or
movies. Or music. Or being able to drive places. Those things are important
I guess. Anyway.
This is my personal website. It is a place on the internet where I put
some things related to myself. Hopefully I will think about them before I put
them up here. I'm led to believe that I should watch what I put on the "web."
That some people may think it reflects poorly on you, and will not want to
hire you or work with you or pal around with you. I think we need to have an
updated idea of ethics and ediquette when it comes to online interaction, and
think that people who apply their antiquated ideas in this manner are silly,
but I guess they have a right to be silly. They're the ones who are
hiring/working with/pal-ing around with me, after all. Anyway.
I like indie films, indie rock and indie games. These are things I think
are "good." I made some lists of some of my
favorite artists and arts (art pieces? artworks? that one) in various media.
I also like bicycles, science fiction, planned economies and glass-bottled
Cokes (with real cane sugar), and think the world needs more of these, or at
least better versions of the ones that exist. I have a lot of opinions about
things, and a lot of them are right. I will put some up later. Anyway.